How does Async-Await work - Part II

Image credit: Author - Göreme, Turkey

How does Async-Await work - Part II

This post is a continuation of How does Async-Await work - Part I. Now that we understand the basics of how Async-Await works in .NET, we’ll look at some general development scenarios and see how we can convert a simple synchronous method to asynchronous step-by-step.

Async-await in ASP.NET

Like any other code, async-await can be used in ASP.NET web programming as well. Let’s look at an example with MVC controller. Consider we have the following synchronous code, which makes a call to an external website and returns the content.

public IActionResult GetData()
    using (var client = new HttpClient())
        var response = client.GetAsync("").Result;
        return Content(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result, "text/html");

We can simply convert it into asynchronous making the basic changes - add async in method signature, return a Task<T>, use await to get results from asynchronous calls, and ideally change method name to add Async suffix.

public async Task<IActionResult> GetDataAsync()
    using (var client = new HttpClient())
        var response = await client.GetAsync("");
        var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

        return Content(content, "text/html");

Here we get the response to our GET call asynchronously with await. Then, once we have the response, again we read the contents asynchronously. Then we return the final results.

Like any other async method, this does not guarantee an improvement in total execution time, BUT it does help in keeping the threads free. And since the runtime runs the async continuation on the “captured context”, the code following the await can still access the HttpContext from the original thread.

Multiple await

Can you use multiple await inside an async method? Absolutely. The compiler will create multiple states in the state-machine based on them, and at runtime the execution will suspend and resume at all await points. Look at the simple code below, which uses two await to get two different results, then combines them and returns the desired final result.

public static async Task<string> GetPersonDetailsAsync()
    int id = await GetIdAsync();
    string name = await GetNameAsync();
    return $"Person Id:{id}, Name:{name}";

This works fine. But we can improve it. In the above code, it executes the tasks one-by-one. We can simply start them both (ONLY when they are independent of each other) and then wait for them to complete, speeding up the overall process. The trick is to bundle the tasks with Task.WhenAll() and use a single await.

public static async Task<string> GetPersonDetails2()
    Task<int> idTask = GetIdAsync();
    Task<string> nameTask = GetNameAsync();
    await Task.WhenAll(idTask, nameTask); //await both the tasks
    return $"Person Id:{idTask.Result}, Name:{nameTask.Result}";

Note: Understand that using a Task.WhenAll() does not block the thread. It simply returns a Task that can be awaited, and will complete when all the tasks are complete. On the other hand, Task.WaitAll() will block the current thread until all the tasks are complete. This may lead to undesirable performances, and can also lead to deadlocks in some scenarios. More details later.

Exception handling

As discussed in Synchronous to asynchronous in .NET, if a task fails to run successfully, it terminates the task and attaches the exception in the returned Task. This exception can be handled when doing a task.Wait() or task.Result in a synchronous style code.

In case of async code, we can simply wrap the await task call inside a try-catch block. An important difference here from task.Wait() is, await unwraps the AggregateException and sends back the original exception, making the exception handling even more clean. So, you can write catch logic directly for specific exceptions.

public async static void Execute()
        var message = await GetMessageAsync();
    catch (Exception ex) //specific exception will be caught here
        Console.WriteLine("Oh snap! " + ex.Message);

Things are different if the async method (e.g. GetNameAsync here) is void and it’s difficult to handle the exception nicely. So, as discussed before, return a Task or Task<T> and avoid the void return.

Async void methods have different error-handling semantics. When an exception is thrown out of an async Task or async Task<T> method, that exception is captured and placed on the Task object. With async void methods, there is no Task object, so any exceptions thrown out of an async void method will be raised directly on the SynchronizationContext that was active when the async void method started. - MSDN

Synchronous to asynchronous

Now we’ll see how we can change traditional synchronous methods to asynchronous step-by-step and what are the options.

First, we start with the simple synchronous method that does couple of things. It calls a heavy/slow method DoTimeTakingWork() to get a string message. It does some other works in DoIndependentWork() that is independent of the message data. Then it does some processing on the returned message (for simplicity, it just calculated the length of the message) and returns the final result. Everything works synchronously, the calling thread waits at each step and takes roughly ~7000 (5000 + 2000 + few more) millisecond to complete.

internal static int GetMessageLength()
    var message = DoTimeTakingWork(); //do the heavy work
    DoIndependentWork(); //do some other independent work
    var length = message.Length; //do some work on previous result
    return length; //then returns the final result

static void DoIndependentWork()
    Thread.Sleep(2000); //works for 2 seconds

static string DoTimeTakingWork() //the actual return value does not matter
    Thread.Sleep(5000); //works for 5 seconds and returns result
    return $"Current time : {DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString()}";

Just for little more clarity, showing a simple Main method that just calls the GetMessageLength() method to get the final message length. It also does some other independent work with DoSomeOtherWork(), and have a Stopwatch to calculate the total run time.

Currently the whole method runs on the same thread and takes ~8000 millisecond (7000 + 1000) to complete.

//The calling method
static void Main(string[] args)
    var sw = new Stopwatch();
    var messageLength = GetMessageLength();
    DoSomeOtherWork(); //independently works for 1000 millisecond
    Console.WriteLine($"Total Time taken = {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");
With Task

We start moving towards asynchronous with introduction of a simple Task. We run our heavy process DoTimeTakingWork() as a task, so that we can also start DoIndependentWork() at the same time. Then we wait for the task to complete. At this point, the current thread blocks and waits for it to complete.

internal static int GetMessageLength()
    Task<string> task = Task.Run(() => DoTimeTakingWork());
    DoIndependentWork(); //start both the work
    var message = task.Result; //the thread WAITS & BLOCKS here
    var length = message.Length; //does some work on result
    return length; //then returns the final result

The method runs on the same calling thread, though the Task runs on a separate thread. This method completes in ~5000 millisecond, as the two pieces of work run concurrently. The Main method takes ~6000 millisecond (5000 + 1000 + little more for rest of the work) to complete.

With async-await

Now we’ll go full-blown async-await. First we make the DoTimeTakingWork() method async using a Task. Then we call that from GetMessageLength() asynchronously, thus making it async too. Notice that we have changed the names of the methods following convention.

internal async static Task<int> GetMessageLengthAsync()
    var stringTask = DoTimeTakingWorkAsync();
    DoIndependentWork(); //start the other work simultaniously, 2000 ms
    var message = await stringTask; //awaits the result ASYNCHRONOUSLY
    var length = message.Length; //THIS MAY RUN ON A SEPARATE THREAD *
    return length; //then returns the final result

async static Task<string> DoTimeTakingWorkAsync()
    var messageTask = Task.Run(() =>
        Thread.Sleep(5000); //works for 5 seconds
    await messageTask;
    return $"Current time : {DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString()}";

Now that our method is async, we take advantage of that in the calling Main method and do other works concurrently. We simply start multiple works, and then wait for the asynchronous task to complete. Now the complete Main method runs in ~5000 millisecond as the three pieces of work run concurrently.

//The calling method now benefits from async
static void Main(string[] args)
    var sw = new Stopwatch();
    var lengthTask = GetMessageLengthAsync(); //start the work
    DoSomeOtherWork(); //start other work as well, 1000 millisecond
    var messageLength = lengthTask.Result; //now wait for task to complete
    Console.WriteLine($"Total Time taken = {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");

Threads: In the above process, more than one threads get involved. The main thread calls the initial method, and starts all the async methods, runs the synchronous methods, and comes back to Main method. Whenever we have a separate Task being run, or have an await, they work on separate threads. Now these separate threads may be same or other than the main thread, based on the type of application (e.g. Console or WPF or ASP.NET etc.) and the ThreadPool, these could be one or more additional threads (see previous post). Since the Task runs on a separate thread, we can say at least two threads get involved in the whole process.

Almost async without async-await

Now that we’ve seen the fully asynchronous code with async-await and the benefits of it [1] performance and [2] free threads, can we achieve something similar without the compiler re-wiring our code behind the scenes? That is what happens with async code.

The answer is, we can have something pretty close with a task continuation. The whole intention is to keep working on stuffs rather than wait for each individual piece of work to complete. So, we start the initial work and create a continuation to be run when that completes. We return this continuation Task which can be awaited from the calling method.

internal static Task<int> GetMessageLength()
    Task<string> messageTask = DoTimeTakingWorkAsync();
    var lengthTask = messageTask.ContinueWith((stringTask) =>
        var message = stringTask.Result; //get result from last task
        var length = message.Length; //do some work on result
        return length; //then returns the final result
    return lengthTask; //returns the task

The Main method remains the same as in case of async-await, and it also performs similarly with ~5000 millisecond. BUT the main differences here are

  1. The runtime does not capture the context in continuation, so that runs without context, generally on a separate thread
  2. And we have made our code more clumsy compared to the simple syntax of async-await. It’s still readable, but as we keep doing this, the whole codebase becomes less and less readable

We can get a scheduler based on the current synchronization context, and continue the task on that. But that may lead to unexpected behaviours, and also adds to the complexity.

TaskScheduler targetScheduler = SynchronizationContext.Current != null
    ? TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext() //e.g. app with UI thread
    : TaskScheduler.Current; //when there is NO SynchronizationContext e.g. Console

var lengthTask = messageTask.ContinueWith((stringTask) =>
    //same code as above
}, targetScheduler);

Note: Using a blocking call like task.Result or task.Wait() on an await-able task may sometimes lead to deadlock in applications like WPF. The reason is [1] there is just one main UI thread that does all the UI update work, and [2] by default async methods try to run the continuation on the main thread. So, if the main thread is blocked (waiting for the method to complete) and the method is waiting for it to continue, it may lead to deadlock!

All posts in the series - Tasks, Threads, Asynchronous

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